News from San Jose

We're Starting a New Company!

My Dad and I are starting a new business together. We thought of the idea in July, finally met with an attorney in August, and this month we signed the Limited Liability Company agreement. We're going to be partners!

Our new company (once everything is final) will be called the "Employee Stock Option Advisors Association," and we plan to offer Certified Public Accountants information about how to help clients with stock option planning. Members will receive a book about stock option tax issues, probably some sort of test, a listing in our Membership Directory, and access to the "Members Only" area of our website (where there will be more information, marketing materials, and probably a bulletin board). Yes! Of course there will be a website.

The idea is, once we get started, it won't take much extra energy to maintain this company AND we'll get paid for referring potential clients we contact via the internet that we couldn't possibly serve! As long as new companies continue to start and grow, receiving such incredible increases in their initial stock prices, the trend to give employees stock will continue and complicated tax consequences make this a growing field for accountants. (With the stock market declining recently, we've been receiving more inquiries than ever from employees worried about their options.)

I've already been working on the website. The hope is that within a month everything will be up and ready for publicity. You can visit my website-in-progress now at

With this new website, I'm experimenting with a new way to organize the layout of your website (Cascading Style Sheets)!

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Dawn Gray
Email me at dawn gray at

last updated September 20, 2000