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I Earned My CTM!

This February, I earned my CTM (Competent Toastmasters Award) for performing my tenth speech in Toastmasters! I performed "Just Try It" in the Saratoga Toastmasters' International Competition, which is in the same contest set in which I performed my first speech, "Climbaholic" for the Tall Tales contest last year.

I figure it took me almost exactly a year in Toastmasters to finish my CTM (though I joined Toastmasters in early February last year, I didn't get a "Manual Speech" credit for "Climbaholic," so I'm not counting that month). I performed my Icebreaker last March.

Now, whenever I get listed in a program or acknowledged in a Toastmaster's article, I won't just be "Dawn Gray," I'll be "Dawn Gray, CTM"!

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Dawn Gray
Email me at dawn gray at earthlink.net

last updated June 20, 2000